
When will my order arrive?

Standard Ground orders will arrive 2-5 business days after we ship, depending on your location. Express orders arrive in 1-3 business days.

When will my order be shipped?

We ship all orders, excluding pre-order item(s), from our Charlotte, NC warehouse within 24-48 business hours of the order being placed (excluding Saturdays and Sundays, when our warehouse is closed). Shipments will typically arrive within 4-5 business days, for domestic orders.

Can I cancel or adjust my order after it is placed?

Unfortunately, order cancellations or changes after checking out are not able to be accepted due to our quick fulfillment process, including pre-order products. As soon as your order is received, the fulfillment process begins. 

If you are looking to update your shipping address, please contact your local post office once your tracking information has been received, to have them forward the package to the correct address. We are, respectfully, not responsible for customer input errors and encourage all customers to double check their information before placing their order as the order can not be changed after it is placed, this includes editing quantities, changing sizes, adjusting addresses, adding promo codes, etc.