
To request a return, please email us at

We accept returns within 14 days of your delivery. You have the option to return your items for an exchange, store credit, or a refund. Items must be in their original condition and are subject to denial if they do not meet our standards*. Original shipping cost is not subject to refunds. 

Please allow up to 7 business days for your return to be processed once it reaches our warehouse. If we cannot accommodate your exchange request due to depleted inventory, you will automatically be refunded as we cannot send the original item back to you. If a purchase was made with part gift card, part credit card, the refund will automatically go to the gift card first. When it comes to refunds, they are typically instantaneous but, depending on your banking institution, it can take up to 10 business days to fully process.

Note, all final sale items are ineligible for a return of any kind (refund, exchange, store credit), this includes sale items and accessories.

For domestic customers: if you are opting for a refund, you will be subject to a $8 return shipping/restocking fee, which will be deducted from your refund. This fee will be waived if you choose to do an exchange or store credit.


  • Washed and/or worn
  • Deodorant marks
  • Makeup or self tanner
  • Stains of any kind
  • Detached tags of any kind: size or wash tags, neck tags, or hang tags
  • Animal/human hair
  • Lingering odor (i.e. smoke, cologne/perfume, body odor, or detergent)
  • Any visible wear or damage
  • Hygienic swimwear liner removed
  • If any pieces are missing (i.e. padding, tops or bottoms if a set)
  • Damage from external forces